Corporate ID: Logo Examples

Giana Zandi
3 min readJan 21, 2022


Good Examples:

I think the colors are working pretty well here. It uses complementary colors, which would help catch the viewer’s attention, but it is muted enough to where it’s not overwhelming. The hierarchy is clear with the brand name in bold and the slogan in a regular or light typeface. I also like how the space between the two bolts draws the eye right down to the brand name.

(Ignore the button) I think this is an example of a good logo because of the use of negative space. The negative space opens everything up at the bottom and leads my eye down to the brand name. Polar Canada is being represented pretty well here because of the polar bear and the universal symbol for Canada.

I enjoy the simplicity of this one. Instead of having an icon separate from the name, it is integrated into it using visual substitution. The “P” can stand alone and it would be easily connected to this brand if it were used on a business card, app icon, etc.

Bad Examples:

I think the line weight used for this design is too thin. However, if it were bolder, it wouldn’t be as easy to make out those shapes. I believe too many elements were added to this design. Also, it is so wide that there’s no flexibility with placement. For example, you wouldn't be able to move it to the left side of the brand name like you commonly see with other logos.

I feel that this one is too complex for a logo as well. I think the colors are working well, but if the design is scaled down, I think it would be hard to make out the small elements (such as the cup being held). Maybe the skin tone is too close to the orange? I just get a little lost in the middle.

This one is very difficult to unpack. First and most importantly, I’m not sure which element is supposed to be the logo. Is it the small diamond? The large diamond? If so, why is all the text within the logo? Are two diamonds necessary? Why is the word “Graphics” the most dominating part of this? The colors are too close together and there’s trapped space between the little diamond, “Big Rock”, and “Graphics”. Overall, it’s confusing.

